Time Required For Digital Twin Development

Author: Ankitha VP
July 20, 2024
Time Required For Digital Twin Development

Ever thought of building a virtual version of your company so you may conduct testing, project outcomes, and optimize processes without affecting the physical assets? That seems like something out of a science fiction movie, doesn't it?

Still, it's a reality with digital twins. Businesses all throughout the world are having trouble keeping their operations running smoothly due to unscheduled downtime, high maintenance costs, and bottlenecks. When it comes to providing real-time insights and predictive capabilities, traditional methods often fall short. In this case, digital twins are useful.

Digital twin development is the process of creating dynamic, virtual versions of actual systems, assets, or processes. It's a useful tool that gives organizations access to real-time data and insights to improve performance and guide decision-making. 

However, how long does creating a digital twin take, and what effects does this have? 

Anyone wishing to adopt this technology in a firm must understand the time frames required. In this blog, we'll break down the steps involved in developing a digital twin and show you the factors that impact the duration of digital twin development. 

What is Digital Twin Development?

Building an extremely realistic and active virtual representation of a real asset, system, or procedure is known as "digital twin development." Using data from sensors, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and other data sources, this model mimics its physical equivalent in real-time, allowing businesses to continually simulate, evaluate, and improve productivity.

Simply put, a digital twin is a virtual replica of a real thing. It records the information and actions of the physical object, mirroring any alterations that take place. This virtual model makes real-time monitoring, diagnostics, and prognostics possible, offering insightful data that improves decision-making and increases operational effectiveness.

For example, think of digital twins in the automotive sector. An established manufacturer uses digital twin technology to streamline its manufacturing process. The organization can detect possible delays and inefficiencies by simulating various situations using digital representations of its technology and manufacturing processes. This real-time data ensures quicker processes, lowers interruptions and aids with predictive maintenance. The company can observe a notable decrease in production expenses and new model time-to-market. 

Please Read: What are the benefits of digital twins? Here 

Stages of Digital Twin Product Development

1. Planning and Blueprinting 

During this first phase, the goals and parameters of the digital twin are defined. This stage includes determining the real-world assets to be replicated and establishing precise objectives for the digital twin, such as predictive maintenance or performance optimization. 

It takes around 1-2 months on average.

Key Activities and Considerations:

  • Defining Objectives

  • Scope Identification

  • Stakeholder Engagement

  • Technical Feasibility

  • Blueprint Creation

This phase ensures all stakeholders agree and provide an explicit schedule, setting the foundation for the next development project stage.

2. Data Collection and Integration 

The next stage involves gathering information from multiple sources and combining it into a coherent model. This phase takes 2-3 months and entails installing sensors, combining current data systems, and guaranteeing the data's reliability and precision.

Problems and Solutions:

  • Data quality: Guaranteeing the precision and coherence of data gathered from various sources can be difficult. Therefore, procedures for data cleansing and verification are essential.

  • Sensor integration: It sets up sensors and Internet of Things devices to gather data in real-time.

  • Data compatibility: Integrating data from multiple sources and outdated systems might be difficult. Data transformation and middleware solutions can be beneficial.

  • Security concerns: Protecting the privacy and security of data, particularly while working with sensitive data, requires implementing strong encryption techniques and security mechanisms. Thus, you must follow the best practices to ensure digital twin security

High-quality data must be gathered and integrated to create an accurate and trustworthy digital twin.

3. Modeling and Simulation 

Advanced simulation technologies are needed to create the digital twin model. This stage typically lasts 3-4 months. It entails creating 3D models, simulating scenarios, and enhancing accuracy with machine learning techniques.

Tools and Techniques Employed:

  • 3D modeling:  Producing intricate 3D models of tangible items using CAD software.

  • Simulation Software: Use simulation tools such as Ansys, Simulink, or custom-built solutions to run different scenarios and forecast results.

  • Machine learning techniques: Machine learning can improve the precision of simulations and yield forecasted information.

  • Integration with Real-Time Data: Real-time data integration with digital twins constantly adds to the model so that it accurately reflects the physical asset's actual state.

During this phase, gathered data is transformed into valuable insights that support efficiency and strategic decision-making.

4. Testing and Validation 

Comprehensive testing and validation are essential before implementing the digital twin. This stage includes comparing the digital twin's efficiency with actual data, finding differences, and making sure the model satisfies all criteria.

This step takes 1-2 months.

Guaranteeing Precision and Dependability:

  • Benchmarking: It is the process of contrasting the performance of the digital twin with actual data to find differences.

  • Iterative Testing: Putting the model through several iterations to enhance its precision.

  • User feedback: Feedback is gathered from stakeholders and final consumers to ensure the model satisfies all needs.

  • Stress Testing: Stress testing is one way to evaluate how well a model performs in challenging circumstances.

Testing and validation are essential to guarantee that the digital twin is dependable and offers correct insights.

5. Implementation and Upkeep

After it has been certified, the digital twin is set up, tracked, and upgraded continually. This continuous phase entails real-time monitoring, frequent updates, and maintenance to guarantee precision and dependability.

The time frame is continuous.

Constant Updates and Real-Time Surveillance:

  • Deployment: Digital twin implementation in the operational environment.

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Consistently tracking the physical asset's digital twin using real-time data ensures that the digital twin accurately depicts its present condition.

  • Frequent Updates: Adding new information and insights to the model regularly.

  • Maintenance: Keeping the model accurate and dependable requires regular maintenance.

The digital twin's long-term worth is ensured via deployment and maintenance, which aids companies in streamlining operations and making wise decisions. 

Suggested Read: Cost for digital twin development. Here

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Factors Affecting Digital Twin Development Time

Factors Affecting Digital Twin Development Time

1. Complexity of the System or Product

The primary determinant of digital twin development time is the complexity of the system or product under consideration. More sophisticated connections and many elements in a system call for more thorough simulation and modeling. For instance, consider digital twins in manufacturing. Creating a digital twin for an essential piece of machinery can take a few months. Conversely, creating a digital twin for a whole manufacturing facility or significant infrastructure project might take many months or even years.

The time needed is increased by the complexities of precisely reproducing each part and procedure, guaranteeing the model's fidelity, and connecting different subsystems. A more thorough and precise digital twin involves a more prolonged development procedure. In contrast to an essential mechanical device, the digital twin of an aviation engine requires modeling multiple components. This entails each with specific behaviors and relationships, which results in lengthier development durations.

2. Availability and Quality of Data

The growth of digital twins depends on data. The quantity and quality of data significantly influence how long it takes to generate a functional digital twin. High-quality, real-time data from sensors and Internet of Things devices precisely mirrors the activity of the digital twin of a physical asset. 

Conversely, inconsistent or low-quality data can result in erroneous models and require more effort for data cleansing and testing.

Gathering data from multiple sources, such as previous databases, real-time sensor feeds, and manual inputs, and ensuring that it is integrated and synchronized can take a while. Installing sensors, setting up data collection methods, and guaranteeing data integrity could also take more time if the required data is not easily accessible. 

For example, information from occupancy sensors, lighting, HVAC systems, and other sources is needed to create digital twins for smart city development. Optimizing the availability and accuracy of all these data pieces can significantly influence the timeframe.

3. Technological Infrastructure

The time it takes to construct a digital twin also depends mainly on the available technology infrastructure. The development process can be streamlined with sophisticated simulation tools, powerful data processing skills, and easy integration networks. Data integration, simulation, and gathering can be accelerated if the required technology infrastructure is currently in place.

Conversely, insufficient or antiquated infrastructure might hinder development efforts by making upgrading systems, finding new tools, and guaranteeing compatibility more challenging. 

For example, a company that relies on outdated technologies that require significant changes cannot generate digital twins as quickly as one that uses a current IoT platform and sophisticated simulation tools.

Furthermore, the development team's proficiency and familiarity with the selected technology may impact the timeline. A knowledgeable team with up-to-date knowledge of digital twin technology can overcome obstacles faster and finish projects sooner. This is where the best digital twin companies play a pivotal role. 

Please Read: How Toobler Helps Companies Become Digital Twin Ready? Here

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Final Words

For companies looking to take advantage of this cutting-edge technology, it is essential to comprehend the timelines associated with digital twin development. Every process step, from design and planning to implementation and upkeep, is critical to producing a dependable and efficient digital twin. The system's complexity, data availability and quality, and technological infrastructure are essential variables that affect how long a project takes to develop.

Time spent developing digital twins pays dividends since it facilitates preventative maintenance, lowers interruptions, and improves operations. Compared to conventional approaches, these advantages make digital twins an effective tool for increasing productivity and realizing substantial financial savings.

At Toobler, we recognize that every company faces different demands and difficulties. Our team specializes in offering customized digital twin solutions that faithfully replicate your physical assets or systems and provide insightful data about their behavior and performance. We guarantee a seamless and effective development procedure using the most recent tools and methodologies. This assists you in meeting your business objectives in a reasonable amount of time.

Please speak with our experts to discover how our professional services may revolutionize your company.

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