The Benefits and Challenges of Digital Twins in Construction

October 9, 2024
The Benefits and Challenges of Digital Twins in Construction

As reported by Deloitte, digital twins cut costs by 30% and speed up timelines by 50%.

Do you ever imagine how cool it will be to have a digital replica of something as big as a building even before it's built? That's what digital twins in construction are all about-changing the way of designing, planning, and managing construction work. 

Imagine that you are at a construction site, but instead of waiting around to see what goes wrong, you have the digital version of the entire project right there at your fingertips in an area that keeps displaying what is happening and what could happen before it does. Sounds interesting, correct? Well, it is, but like anything new, it comes with its ups and downs.

In this blog, we're breaking down the advantages and challenges of Digital Twins in construction. Whether you're a project manager trying to streamline your next build or just curious about how technology makes construction smarter, walk away with a good understanding of why Digital Twins matter and where they might trip you up.

Let's get started!

What are Digital Twins in Construction?

Before we get down to the specifics, let's define what a Digital Twin in construction is in the first place. It's quite simply an identical digital replica of a physical object or, in this case, a construction project. Therefore, it's a digital model coupled with the real one, updating real-time with the project's progress. Not some high-shine 3D model, for instance. A digital twin uses real data collected from sensors, drones, and other tech tools to monitor and predict how the project will evolve. 

Consider for instance a high-rise building. Instead of waiting for a time of physical inspection, a digital twin might early on detect that you have a structural problem or are overusing certain materials. This kind of real-time insight makes digital twins quite a powerful tool in the construction world.

Here is the table showing the changes in Digital Twins in Construction over the years:

YearDigital Twin Development
2015Initial experiments with 3D models and virtual representations in niche projects.
2017Wider adoption of basic digital twin technology for large infrastructure projects.
2019Integration of IoT devices for real-time data collection and monitoring on-site.
2021AI and machine learning incorporated for predictive analysis in construction management.
2023Smart city integration with digital twins for large-scale urban planning and infrastructure.
2025 (Projected)Full-scale interoperability between systems, driving seamless collaboration across all stages.

Benefits of Digital Twins in Construction Industry

Ever wonder how construction projects can be more intelligent and efficient? Change is upon them with real-time insights and solutions. Let's see the benefits of digital twins in the construction industry too!

Benefits of Digital Twins in Construction Industry

1. Improved Project Visualization and Planning

Let's start with one of the most exciting benefits—visualization. Digital Twins delivers a live, 3D model of construction projects, providing teams with a visualization of every aspect before, during, and after building happens. This allows them to identify design flaws early and to avoid expensive change orders later.

For example, an architect may design a new office building but does not know that the windows he designed will cause too much glare in the afternoon that it becomes unworkable to work under them. But with a Digital Twin, then he can simulate different times of the day and come up with the kind of problem that might arise before it happens during construction, so changes during this phase are fewer, and all the participants save time and money.

2. Better Decision Making 

You want to get a decision right at the right time - that can be the difference between the budget and schedule, or wildly off of course. A Digital Twin in construction puts all that knowledge right in front of you so it is always up-to-date. You will know how each decision, such as changing materials or the layout, will follow through for the entire project.

Think about it this way: You're overseeing a construction project building a new sports stadium, and a disruption in the steel supply chain threatens to push you back. You can instantly see on the Digital Twin how that plays out in other areas of the project—in this case, maybe some concrete pouring or electrical wiring—and adjust your plan. It's like having a cheat sheet for decision-making.

3. Lowered Costs and Waste

Construction projects tend to have a bad name for overrun budgets. A good portion of the problem is waste—whether it's extra materials you didn't need or costly delays that push up labor costs. With a Digital Twin, you eliminate these waste factors.

Example: You are overseeing the construction work of a shopping mall. Conventionally, you would have ordered extra materials in case some things didn't work out as planned. With Digital Twins in the construction industry, you have accurate measurements and forecasts to avoid over-ordering your materials. And when something does go wrong, you catch that at an earlier stage than making costly last-minute changes. In short, Digital Twins help reduce waste by keeping everything in check.

4. Predictive Maintenance and Asset Management

Once the building is up and running, the Digital Twin does not disappear. It has a life of its own and stays active, keeping track of the condition of the building. That becomes a maintenance game-changer. You can predict when something's going to need fixing before it breaks.

Here's a basic example: Imagine a Digital Twin being the virtual equivalent of a building's mechanic. If you are responsible for overseeing an airport, and one of your escalators is malfunctioning, you will not be left sitting idle waiting for it to break down and give you a few headaches related to your foot traffic. The Digital Twin, based on data from other similar machines, will notify you of probable issues so they can be corrected before it becomes a headache.

5. Better Teamwork

Construction involves tons of different players from architects to engineers, contractors, and clients. It might be an onerous job keeping everyone on the same page. Digital Twins can solve that; this offers a single source of truth. Everyone, regardless of where they might be, is able to access the same up-to-date model and data.

For example, imagine you're working on a massive infrastructure project like a new bridge. The office team and the in-field team both see the same data. No miscommunication or old plans anymore. Everyone is working off the same playbook. This means fewer errors and easier teamwork.

Do you want to know more benefits of Digital Twins? Read here

Steps to Use Digital Twins in Construction Projects

The fastest-emerging component in construction is the Digital Twin. This technology provides an online virtual twin of physical projects. Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can utilize Digital Twins most appropriately in your construction projects:

Flowchart related to digital twin in construction

  1. Create a Detailed 3D Model: Begin creating a very high density 3D model for your construction project incorporating every structural element.

  2. Connect Sensors and IoT Devices: Deploy sensors and other IoT devices at site to scan the real-time data including conditions of the environment, material usage, and equipment performance.

  3. Integrate the Data into Digital Twin: Feed the data scanned from the physical site into the Digital Twin model to keep it updated in real-time.

  4. Run the Construction Scenario: Using the Digital Twin model, run multiple construction scenarios like the design change or material substitution to predict the outcome.

  5. Track Progress and Performance: Track the construction progress continuously with no likely chance for any delay.

  6. Maintenance and future Operations Under Optimal Conditions: After completing the project, all possible maintenance-related issues can be easily predicted using the Digital Twin in order to ensure long-term health and performance of a building or infrastructure.

All of these points help to maximize efficiency, risks, and keep the project on track from planning to maintenance.

Challenges of Digital Twins in Construction

While Digital Twins bring wonderful advantages to construction projects, disadvantages also exist. Let's have a look together!

Challenges of digital twins in construction

1. High Initial Costs

The first drawback is that Digital Twins are not something one can afford easily. Setting up the technology requires huge investments in software, sensors, and training. It can be a giant hurdle for smaller construction companies.

For instance, imagine you're a contractor who specializes in small residential projects. In your case, investing in a full-scale Digital Twin may not be deemed necessary. This is especially so if your projects are of the routine kind. Well, it's like buying a sports car to drive around town when what you really need is a regular sedan.

2. Data Security and Privacy Issues

All that real-time data floating around is fantastic until you realize it can also make your project a target for cyberattacks. Keeping the data secure is a major concern, especially when dealing with sensitive client information or government contracts.

You are working on a construction project for a government building. Now, data from your Digital Twin falls into the wrong hands, which can create all sorts of problems, such as delayed projects or violation of privacy. Now, Digital Twins offer numerous benefits, but you cannot afford to ignore keeping that data secure.

3. Problematic Implementation and Integration

Bringing a Digital Twin into a current workflow is not an easy task. You need new software, perhaps new sensors, and maybe new team members with proper skills to implement it. That can be one hell of a headache, especially if your team is not very tech-friendly.

Suppose you have built houses the same way for 20 years. But to develop a Digital Twin, you feel like you are trying to learn a new language. Technology is great, but if your team cannot figure out how to use it, then it is not going to help much.

4. Data Accuracy and Maintenance

A Digital Twin only goes as good as the data it's fed, so if your data is bad or old, your system will implode. Maintaining that data clean and relevant can become a challenge, especially on a busy construction site.

For instance, imagine you are constructing a hospital and half of the sensors that monitor the use of materials malfunction without your notice. If you depend on that bad data, you may end up making decisions which would come back to cost you both time and money later.

Could you read a complete Guide to Digital Twin Technology in Construction? Read it here

Real-life Applications of Digital Twins in Construction

Digital Twins are transforming how construction projects are planned, performed, and delivered for their life. Digital Twin construction examples show how virtual models improve project efficiency.  Let's look at two real-life examples that better show how digital twins affect mega-projects.

The Shard

The Shard, situated in London, is an illustration of the long-term influence of digital twin technology on construction projects. Architectural designs of complexity, along with in-depth structural simulations, were seamlessly integrated into the digital twin during the design stage. The digital twin continued to prove its worth way beyond the construction phase itself, since it allowed for real-time monitoring of the building's performance to energy efficiency and structural integrity.

Virtual Singapore

This holistic model reconstructs the whole city from details to blocks and street by street. These digital twins are equipped with sensors, drones, and other tools that allow for the real-time collection of data. Beyond its technological capabilities, the virtual Singapore digital twin will be used as a tool for sustainable development and one of the measures to address environmental problems. The model data of the building will thus facilitate strategic location planning of solar panels on campus, aligned with Singapore's announced commitment to deploying at least two gigawatt-peak of solar energy by 2030.


As this blog explored, digital twins in construction are reshaping the industry, unlocking new ways to optimize projects and improve decision-making. But with all innovations, there are questions: How will your team adapt? Are you ready to harness the full potential of this technology? The path forward involves more than just implementing a new tool—it’s about transforming how your construction processes work.

At Toobler, we specialize in helping construction companies integrate digital twin technology seamlessly into their operations. If you're ready to explore how digital twins in construction can revolutionize your projects, let’s connect and discuss how Toobler can be your partner in this transformation.

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